Thursday 26 July 2012

Citizen Cope - Album Release - One Lovely Day

Hi All,

So there I was sitting in the UK sun when I get an email. This isn't unusual, I get several every day. But this one had a message on it asking if I could review an album.

This is new to me. Reviewing one song is fairly easy, you learn a bit about the band, compare them to some well known bands so someone knows roughly what to expect and whether you like them or not.

Reviewing an album is different. Especially when you are dealing with a guy like Citizen Cope. His new album, which coincides with a tour of America, is a mixed bag of tracks.

To be honest, though, there is nothing exciting in this album. It's all very safe. You can hear nice gentle pop, going through to southern blues and into some form of acoustic dance. This isn't the kind of album you sing along to either. You'll find no anthems here.

Saying that, you could easily imagine some pre-produced Simon Cowell-ites singing this stuff to a different arrangement. The songs themselves are quite good. He's not a bad singer. The album is well produced, but in my opinion it feels a little soulless. I don't believe in his lyrics, and if that's the case it may as well not be him singing them.

Personally, I'd wait until he releases "One Lovely Day" as a single.

Thanks for reading

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