Friday 28 September 2012

Lillian Todd Jones New Video - Butter Soul

Hi all,

Somewhere in that place. That place between being awake and asleep. In the early Morning. You drift aimlessly between conscious and sub-concious. In this place you dream.

You dream of hills and valleys, you dream of what is and what could be, and you dream of blue skies and clouds.

Suddenly the sky darkens. The wind rises. The moon peeks out from behind the grey and forboding clouds. Thistles tear at your legs, and briars scratch and force your blood to drain slowly down your skin. It is this place that Lillian Todd Jones comes from for Butter Soul.

The song is emotional and powerful. And dark. So dark. The video is something special too. I can't imagine having dinner with Pan and the green man but having seen it I'm not sure I want to.

This is an epic track, and an epic video and I highly recommend it.

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