Monday 18 June 2012

Dlugokecki - Village Hall Gala Review

Hi all,

Since starting this blog, I've actually found its a lot of work. Hunting down people, finding gigs, trying to fit them in with other commitments, it can be quite hard.

When the opportunity came around to see Dlugokecki last Saturday I had already been out nearly every night that week so I was in 2 minds whether to go or not. Yes ok, they have supported people like Snow Patrol and David Gray, so they must be good, but how good could it possibly be in a village hall? I mean, its hardly Wembley Arena is it?

Luckily for me I decided to go along, jumped in a car with a mate, boot full of booze and off we went.

The venue was a typical Village hall. It could hold about 150 people, had a kitchen with a serving hatch and a permanant stage.

I did a double take when the supporting act came on. I initially thought it was Jarvis Cockers younger, slightly more chunky, brother. He was actually a singer/songwriter from Liverpool. Normally you see these guys just jump on stage with a guitar covered in stickers, this guy brought along a Cellist. This made a huge difference. I do get tired of these accoustic only people singing samey kind of "against the government" and "I understand you now, Dad" songs. This guy actually sung songs that were fresh, and the Cello gave it a bit of bass which was appreciated, especially somewhere that just sucked all the bass out the sound.

If you want to look him up, his name is Rob Vincent, you can find him here: I would recommend it.

Dlugokecki (derr-lugo-kenski) are a 6 piece band, including Keys, Bass, Guitar, backing singer, Drums and Ben himself who sings and plays accoustic guitar. Initially I did wonder where Matt Hayward (Drums) had gone, he was about 14ft back from the front of the stage, in a black shirt, behind black drums against a black background in the shadows. I could definitely hear him though. It's nice to feel some other beats rather than the standard basic and slightly monotonous 4/4. It's also nice to see a drummer who sets up a kit and actually uses it all, and can use it all properly.
Aidan had a moment on Bass when a string snapped. He covered amazingly by playing exactly the same riffs but on 2 strings. If you can play, you'll know how hard that is to do. The keyboard player (Andy Wild) was great and when it came to solo time, he was impressive. Actually made me laugh, changing the song style completely. I know the backing singer quite well, (you may recognise Kelly if you scroll down a bit) unfortunately I couldn't quite hear her. This is what happens in Village Halls though. Your sound balance can go all to pot. Its my only negative about the whole night is that I was itching to go up on stage and sort it out.

Now, to be perfectly honest, I didn't think I'd like the music. I'd listened to a couple of tracks and they weren't for me. I'm more into heavier stuff. My initial thought was that it was too...I don't know...Pop.
This is why I'm glad I went. The meaning of the word "Pop" has been taken and stomped on by this crappy X-Factor rubbbish we have in the charts now. Yes its popular, but only for about 3 seconds. You wouldn't recognise half these songs in 10 years, let alone the artist. After Saturday night, the meaning of Pop for me has been restored. This was pop music as in "popular".

There were people there from all backgrounds, from all age groups (literally in this case. Ages from 4 and up to about 70) and they were all having a good time. Everyone was tapping their feet, jumping up and down and shouting. I think Ben was thrown for a bit when they hadn't finished their set and everyone starting cheering for more. The poor guy only stopped for a drink!

In short, it was a really good night. If they are around, go and see them. Go and visit their website. Go and rediscover what "pop music" actually means.

Visit their site here:

Thanks for reading,

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